Sundays @ Glendale
Welcome to Glendale Baptist Church. It is our desire that you feel welcomed and encouraged as a guest at our church. Our Sunday schedule is designed to give those who attend a chance to worship God in song and prayer and hear the Word of God with the purpose of knowing Him and responding to His call on our lives.
Sunday School 9:30 AMWe have classes for all ages. These small group classes give us a chance to share in Bible study and to build Christian relationships. Childcare for Birth to 2 yrs. is available in all our services.
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AMOur worship services include worship in song, prayer and a message from God's word. Children start in the auditorium and are dismissed to children's church after the song worship service.
Sunday Evening 6:00 PMOn Sunday nights, we have mission activities. for grades 1-6 (RA's and GA's) and classes for the younger children. Adults and older students meet together for special group study in the main worship area.